To restore the original values of all the fields, click this button. Not available now because you haven’t changed any fields. To restore the original values of all the fields, click this button. To restore the original value of the current field, click this button. Not available now because you haven’t made any changes to the current field. To restore the original value of the current field, click this button. To hide the detailed field information, click this box. To show detailed information about each field, click this box. The Ph record is displayed and edited here. The requested Ph server help text is displayed here. Size box To change the height of the window, drag the size box. Scroll bar Use the scroll bar to see information that is out of view. This scroll bar is not available because this window contains no information above or below the window’s borders. Scroll bar To scroll a line at a time, press one of the scroll arrows. To scroll by the windowfull, click in the gray bar. To scroll to another part of the window, drag the scroll box. To send your query to the server, click this button. Not available now because you have not yet typed a query, or because you have not specified a Ph server. To send your query to the server, click this button. Select the Ph server you wish to query from this popup menu, or type its domain name in the field to the right. It’s usually easier to use this popup menu. The result of your query, if any, is displayed here, along with any error messages which may be returned by the Ph server. Type your query here. The simplest query is a person’s name. For example, type “John Doe” to get information about John Doe. It is not necessary to type the word “query” as part of your query. Type the domain name of the Ph server you wish to query in this field, or use the popup menu to the left (if it’s present). It’s usually easier to use the popup menu. To cancel the server selection, click this button. To select the specified server, click this button. To cancel the delete operation, click this button. To delete the Ph record, click this button. Type the password for the new record in this field. For security, the password is not displayed in clear text as you enter it, so type carefully! To protect against typing errors, you are asked to enter the password twice. Enter the record type in this field (e.g., “person,” etc.) Type the name of the new record in this field. Type the alias of the new record in this field. To cancel the creation of a new Ph record, click this button. To create a new Ph record with the values you specified, click this button. To continue the current operation without sending the changed fields to the Ph server, click this button. All changes you have made to fields in the Ph record will be lost. To cancel the current operation, click this button. The changed fields will not be sent to the Ph server, and the window containing the changed fields will not be closed. To send the changed fields to the Ph server, click this button. To close the alert box after reading the message, click this button. Type the alias, id or name of the record you wish to open in this field. To cancel the open operation, click this button. To open the Ph record you specified, click this button. To abort the current transaction with the Ph server, click this button. Type your new Ph password in this field. For security, the password is not displayed in clear text as you enter it, so type carefully! To protect against typing errors, you are asked to enter your new password twice. To cancel the change password operation, click this button. To change your password to the new value you specified, click this button. Select the Ph server from this popup menu, or type its domain name in the field below. It’s usually easier to use this popup menu. Type the domain name of the Ph server in this field, or use the popup menu above (if it’s present). It’s usually easier to use the popup menu. Type your Ph password in this field. For security, the password is not displayed in clear text as you enter it, so type carefully! Type your alias or your name in this field. To cancel the login, click this button. To log in using the values you specified, click this button. This status message tells whether or not you are logged in to a server. If you are logged in, it gives the server name and login alias, and also tells if you are a hero. We don’t need no stinkin’ X.500! Changes the Ph help server and rebuilds the help topic list. This command can sometimes be useful to get information about some other site’s Ph system. Not available now because there is a dialog box on your screen. Gets and displays Ph server help text for this topic. Not available now because there is a dialog box on your screen. Ph Use the Ph application to look up directory information. You can also use Ph to make changes to directory entries. Changes the Ph help server and rebuilds the help topic list. This command can sometimes be useful to get information about some other site’s Ph system. Gets and displays Ph server help text for this topic. Activates (brings to the front) the Ph window with this name. This window is already active, as indicated by the checkmark next to its name. Activates (brings to the front) the Ph window with this name. Windows menu Use this menu to make Ph windows active (bring them to the front). Not available now because because there are no Ph windows open on your screen, or because it cannot be used with the dialog box on your screen. Windows menu Use this menu to make Ph windows active (bring them to the front). Opens the Ph record for the person with this alias. This person has granted you permission to edit his or her Ph record. Proxy menu Use this menu to open Ph records for people who have permitted you to edit their records. Not available now because you are not logged in, or because nobody has granted you proxy permission, or because there is a dialog box on your screen. Proxy menu Use this menu to open Ph records for people who have permitted you to edit their records. Removes the selected text without storing it in the Clipboard. Not available now because you are not permitted to make changes to the current field. Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point. Not available now because you are not permitted to make changes to the current field. Removes the selected text and places it temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. Not available now because you are not permitted to make changes to the current field. Undoes your last action. Not available now because Ph does not currently support the Undo command. This command is present only for use by desk accessories under System 6. Edit menu Use this menu to manipulate text. Not available now because there are no Ph windows open on your screen, or because it cannot be used with the dialog box on your screen. Selects the entire contents of the current field. Removes the selected text without storing it in the Clipboard. Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the insertion point. Copies the selected text. The original selection remains where it is. The copy is placed temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. Removes the selected text and places it temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard. Undoes your last action. Edit menu Use this menu to manipulate text. This menu is not available because it cannot be used with the dialog box on your screen. Changes the default Ph server. Not available now because there is a dialog box on your screen. Updates the list of known Ph server sites. Not available now because there is a dialog box on your screen. Deletes the active Ph record. Not available now because a Ph edit window is not active, or because you are not logged in as a hero, or because there is a dialog box on your screen. Only heros (database administrators) are permitted to delete Ph records. Changes the password for the active Ph record. Not available now because a Ph edit window is not active, or because there is a dialog box on your screen. Logs out of the Ph server and closes all editing windows. Not available now because you are not logged in to a server, or because there is a dialog box on your screen. Logs in to a Ph server and opens your Ph record for editing. Not available now because there is a dialog box on your screen. Saves the changes made to the active Ph record. Not available now because a Ph edit window is not active, or because you have not made any changes to the window, or because there is a dialog box on your screen. Closes the active window. Not available now because there are no Ph windows open on your screen, or because there is a dialog box on your screen. Opens some other person’s Ph record for editing. Not available now because you are not logged in to a server, or because there is a dialog box on your screen. Creates a new Ph record. Not available now because you are not logged in as a hero, or because there is a dialog box on your screen. Only heros (database administrators) are permitted to create new Ph records. Opens a new query window. Not available now because there is a dialog box on your screen. Quits the Ph program. If you have not saved changes you made to open Ph records, you will be asked whether you want to save changes. Changes the default Ph server. Updates the list of known Ph server sites. Deletes the active Ph record. Changes the password for the active Ph record. Logs out of the Ph server and closes all editing windows. Logs in to a Ph server and opens your Ph record for editing. Saves the changes made to the active Ph record. Closes the active window. Opens some other person’s Ph record for editing. Creates a new Ph record. Opens a new query window. File menu Use this menu to open and close windows, manipulate Ph records, quit Ph, and perform other miscellaneous tasks. Displays information about this version of the Ph application.